Goat Project Impact Story

Oliver’s permanent house under construction

Oliver’s permanent house under construction

Ahikire Oliver’s story, (a widow in Katukuru center, Mbarara district)

Oliver continues to rear goats

Oliver continues to rear goats

I was among the very first 6 beneficiaries who received a goat each in November 2011. In January 2014, I was graduated out of the Project with 7 goats, after I had also donated 1 goat to someone else. It was a great joy having my own 7 goats to do with as I wished.

From the time I was given a female goat, I developed a dream, which had prior to that time, seemed impossible: my dream was to at some point in my life, have a permanent house. When the 7 goats were officially released into my hands, I continued rearing them till they multiplied  to 15 goats. I sold 4 of them and bought iron sheets for a semi-permanent, 2-room house. I built the house because my grandchildren who lived with me needed a play-room. The second served as a guest room for my frequent visitors.

I also sold one goat and bought a female pig. I thus remained with 10 goats. The pig soon produced 10 piglets which I sold and started making bricks for my dream permanent house. The pig’s second birth was 12 piglets. I sold these too and put the money into burning the bricks.

My remaining 10 goats multiplied to 28. I was blessed in that my goats birthed twins and triplets most of the time. I sold 26 of them and bought iron sheets for my dream house. I also sold off the mother pig, which had become very huge, and put the money into iron sheets as well. I now had enough iron sheets.

With my bricks burnt and ready, I started constructing my dream house. It is not yet complete but there is now no turning back on my dream.

I still have 4 goats. These will soon multiply to a number that I will be able to sell some and buy window and door frames for my house. Next time you (Peter) come, you will sit in this house and have a cup of tea or even spent a night. I will be having enough and decent room to accommodate you!

And through out, the dung of goats have been fertilizing my gardens. I have not had to buy fertilizer. I am so extremely thankful to the Goat Project, and particularly to Linda whose generosity brought the initial goat into my life.

I am the Chairperson of the Goat Project beneficiaries in my center. I appeal to beneficiaries to take good care of their goats. We have seen in many beneficiaries’ lives what can happen with one goat. We are now wealthy. We are taking our kids to school, building houses, etc.

May God bless all those who are enabling the Goat Project do this amazing work. We are thankful.

Odoi Peter